Selasa, 18 November 2008

Make Money Online Selling Nothing - Affiliate Marketing


How To Make Money Online Selling Nothing!

by Jens du Plessis

Do you want to know one of the easiest ways to make money online?

Sell Nothing! Really.

Tell me:

- How many people you know want stuff for free? - Hoe many people you know of want stuff for free? - How many of your visitors want stuff for free? - How many of your subscribers want stuff for free? - How many people surfing the Net want stuff for free?

This last one I can give you some indication: according to Overture there were over 500,000 searches in January 2004 for "free", and tons more with "free" as a part of the search term.

So why not give the people want they want? And make money while doing it.

How do you go about it?

You can give away an ebook or report and hope to benefit from the viral marketing effect ¬ someday. But that's not what I am talking about.

You can have them sign up for a free report or course through an autoresponder so that you can get their email address and market to them I future. But that's not what I am talking about.

You can give away a demo or trial version and hope that they will upgrade later. But that not what I am talking about.

No! I am talking about REALLY selling nothing!

All over the Internet there are businesses looking for leads and who are prepared to pay for these leads. They will pay you to send them people, whether these people buy anything or not. And all you need to do is find a way to send them people

Most of these businesses will pay you anything from a few cents (forget about them) to a substantial Dollar amount for these leads and very often the qualification criteria is very simple. It could be completing a form for a free quote, or subscribing to a free newsletter.

The products can range from magazines to life insurance, vitamins to dating services, cash loans to personal injury claims. All you need to do is send them people.

Do you have a reasonable traffic to your web site?

Do you have a fair size mailing list?

The chances are that you can generate a good, regular income from this by selecting the right program, a program that matches your target market. Or create a new web site that focuses on a target market you choose.

How do you go about it?

1. Use affiliate program managers like Clixgalore or Commission Junction whose system allows you to search for the programs that pay per lead. 2. Rank your programs by EPC (Earnings per 100 clicks). High earnings per 100 clicks normally indicate a good conversion rate from visitor to lead. 3. Look for programs that pay a reasonable amount per lead. Paying you in cents is not really going to work unless their conversion rate is very high AND you can send them a lot of traffic. 4. Look for programs where you believe you can generate a reasonable amount of traffic. If the program has a good conversion rate the traffic do not have to be astronomical. 5. Look at their requirements for a lead to qualify. If they expect the visitor to jump through too many hoops before you see a cent, forget it. The simpler the better. 6. Then promote it through your mailing list, on your web site or even set up a new web site for it.

A quick example:

A new program I joined generated 21 leads from 43 click throughs and only 150 page views ¬ a conversion rate of 13.6% in it's first three days and generating $161 pure profit, $104 per 100 impressions or $374 per 100 clicks..

And this from a basic one page web site.

This is really money for jam!

Jens du Plessis runs the Internet Marketing Business School and is the author of Internet Business Blueprint - 7 Steps to build a business on the Internet and Start to make money in less than a month.

Here's the definitive course for Affiliate Marketing Masters Guaranteed to take your affiliate marketing business to the top 20% of all marketers online!

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